Moffy by Hanna Moon
Release date: July 2023
Published and distributed by Dashwood Books
First edition
Zine, 20 pages
Dimensions: 5.25 x 8 inches

Suggested retail price: $18
Wholesale 40% discount + Shipping

Please contact Miwa Susuda / David Strettell with your orders or inquiries: ,

Dashwood Books Item #26452
First Dashwood zine with Korean London based photographer Hanna Moon. Moon collaborated with English model and best friend Moffy Gathorne-Hardy for a photo shoot in Tokyo’s iconic Cerulean Hotel.  “A Koren and English girl — brought together in an intimacy which defies the distance they have travelled to find each other — on the 36th floor of a strange hotel.” MGH

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For press and wholesale inquiries please contact Miwa Susuda or David Strettell ,
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