Jack Webb Suspects His Parents
Release date: October 2011
Published and Distributed by Dashwood Books
First edition
Softcover, 24 pages
Edition of 500 copies
Dimensions: 8.6 x 6 in
Suggested retail price: $30
Wholesale 40% discount + Shipping
Please contact Miwa Susuda / David Strettell with your orders or inquiries: msusuda@dashwoodbooks.com , dstrettell@dashwoodbooks.com
ISBN: 978-2-953-45166-5
Dashwood Books Item #10946
In 1991 photographer Jack Webb began placing ads in British papers and magazines, seeking “genuine couples” to allow him to photograph them having sex. Of the many who replied, five couples were photographed, most inviting Jack into their homes and one to a local reservoir on a freezing November day. The results are non-idealized, both raw and astonishingly touching at the same time.
“The paradox of these photographs,” as Anouchka Grose’s text observes, “is that they try to document something private, something that is not meant to be seen.” Beautifully printed in a slim, intimate volume.
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