Release date: September 2022

Dictionary of Movement by Philo Cohen

The Dictionary of Movement is a survey of the body in the world, its capacities, its restrictions.

Philo Cohen is an artist, curator, archivist and publisher based in Brooklyn, NY. Constantly shifting between image collection, drawing, photography, print and collage, Philo looks at themes of solitudes and the bodily. She constantly revisits concepts of home and loneliness, particularly through the bond of the familial and the communal.

Dictionary of Movement by Philo Cohen

Published and distributed by Dashwood Books
First edition
Zine, 20 pages
Dimensions: 5.25 x 8 inches

Suggested retail price: $18
Wholesale 40% discount + Shipping

Please contact Miwa Susuda / David Strettell with your orders or inquiries: ,