Bombshell by Ethan James Green
Release date: September 2021
Published and distributed by Dashwood Books
First edition
Zine, 20 pages
Dimensions: 5.25 x 7 inches

Suggested retail price: $18
Wholesale 40% discount + Shipping

Please contact Miwa Susuda / David Strettell with your orders or inquiries: ,

Dashwood Books Item #21215
“This zine is the first rendition of a whirlwind collaborative project with a group of valued friends and colleagues that we embarked on over the summer of 2021 while emerging (slowly) from the frustrations of the past 18 months. Once we began shooting, the title, Bombshell, soon became the unconscious driving force behind our days of dress-up and performance. The seven models featured here are just a sample and represent the beginning of a much broader ongoing project” Artist’s statement EJG.

Dashwood Books
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New York, NY 10012
212 387-8520

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For press and wholesale inquiries please contact Miwa Susuda or David Strettell ,
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