Release date: April 2022

Sedimental Feelings by Marion Ellena

For Sedimental Feelings, Marion Ellena brings together images made between 2006 and 2021. The publication combines images she took during her teenage years, recent photographs, and pictures that have been manipulated in the darkroom with filters, light, and photogramming.

“The becoming of a picture from a place where I’m looking for some closeness with reality and memories.
An intimate relationship with the darkroom. Thin layers of time and space.
Sometimes photography becomes accidental and a field of possibilities opens a window.
Navigating. The body guides. Holding hands to an unstable representation.
Hands on light and paper. Processing. Alteration. Sensation.
Process of apparition. Declining boundaries between the present and the past, reality and fiction.
Feeling the materiality of the memories. The outside from the inside world.”

Sedimental Feelings by Marion Ellena

Published by Matarile Ediciones
Distributed by Dashwood Books
First edition
Softcover, 32 pages (including cover and back cover)
Dimensions: 8 x 5.5 inches

Suggested retail Price: $16
Wholesale 40% discount + Shipping

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